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Showing posts from January, 2020

When is the Right Time to Announce Pregnancy

Once you know positive about getting pregnant, it's only natural if you want to immediately notify all relatives and upload status on social media. But some say, you should wait until the moment is considered appropriate to announce pregnancy. Actually, when is the right time? Indeed, prospective parents are free to determine the time to notify their pregnancy to others. But generally, those who have had a miscarriage or may experience certain health problems, tend to be less in a hurry to announce the good news. Come on, find out the right time for you and your partner to announce the happy news. Suggested Time Related to Miscarriage Risk Some people choose to wait until after the end of the first trimester to announce pregnancy. Medically, this is related to the risk of miscarriage. At this age of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is much reduced. In fact, about 80% of miscarriages do occur in the first trimester for various reasons. Most people feel there is a heavier so...